Archive for the ‘WWII’ Category

More letterpress for Room & Board??!

May 27, 2010

I hit my head on the asphalt yesterday and when I snapped out of that familiar concussive daze, I thought to myself: Again? And: That wasn’t as bad as running into the tree. Or the windshield. Or the Christmas tree-stand. Or the windshield.

Walking my bicycle and openly weeping, I made it home just in time to work on the new Room & Board project:

Thanks MADGE for introducing me to the Polaroid app for my iPhone!!

Mrs. Meyers, Goof-Off and 2,500 pounds of love

January 5, 2010

So we made it back from that barren wasteland. Just kidding, Brainerd – You know I love you. In the Summer. With the lights off.

As soon as I got home I checked to make sure the water pipes hadn’t burst AND THEN I shined up the new press. Oh, I also made sure the cat was alive. You never know, she has a tendency to fall into vats of oil and get her tail chopped off.

That’s what the press looks like – and I always play that song when I gaze upon it.

Where’s my unpaid intern?

January 8, 2009

WHERE??? If I have to work on this catalog layout for 10 more seconds I’m going to quit my job. I will instantly rehire myself just so I can quit again. This could go on for days. Of COURSE I couldn’t just work with the catalog copy  in Adobe InDesign – I HAD to use a WWII era typewriter. A Smith-Corona Skyriter to type in each individual bit of information about all 100 products. What is wrong with me?



I actually cheated in “keyboarding I AND II” in high school. Don’t ask me how. DON’T ASK ME. 

Jen is just dying to say, “I told you so.” Just shut up, Jen. Why must  you take the place of my underdeveloped sensibilities?