Archive for the ‘Oprah’ Category

Overdue Cat, a new letterpress greeting card and a little bit about the weather

August 12, 2010

Well, Susie hasn’t had her kittens yet – and like every other overdue/expecting mother – she is watching Oprah and eating tubs of Ben & Jerry’s.

Meanwhile, I biked through the Heat™

to bring Fred a card so he could photograph it. It isn’t any ordinary card – it is the card to introduce our new website.

Aren’t you intrigued?? It must say something sweet – just look at that cute little bellhop! I’ve been waiting to use him for a long time – thank’s cute little bellhop!

Achieving perfect balance

May 19, 2010

People always ask me, “Fran, how do you balance everything so well?? Zeichen Press, kids, marriage, hypochondria, facebook, animal-taming, daydreaming – It doesn’t even seem possible!” I wish I had some fluffy (Oprah-approved) secret to share but it’s really much more simple: Evil twin. What?! Yes. You’d be surprised by how many people actually have evil twins.

This has been a regular rat king of a week: The big Tanek party is tomorrow and Jen and I have been planning the whole thing – From venue to letterpress printed coaster to life-jackets. One of my favorite things is the Tanek 10 Year CD – a music mix and letterpress printed sleeve/party favor/door prize. My playlist skills were honed as a teenager – hour after hour spent with the dual cassette player… see, mom?? I told you it was more important than algebra.

As soon as this party is done I can get rid of that mannequin.

Sankyou Panko Japanese Style Breading (box)

August 12, 2009

“How can we be expected to teach children to read when they can’t even fit inside the building?” -Derek Zoolander

It turns out that Panko Japanese Style Breading boxes are the perfect size for my Press (kit) Boxes! It’s true. Now my family will enjoy breaded EVERYTHING for the next two weeks. Breaded meat, breaded not-meat, breaded bread… YUMMY! 


Press Box ClosedPress Box Open

The boxes have been turned inside-out, printed on, and stuffed with a variety of cards. I might sprinkle extra breading in for packing… We’ll see.

I’d say that I’m sending them to my favorite magazines but that’s not entirely true. Bass Master, Muslim Girl, and Quick Quilts didn’t make the cut. Who did? Oprah and Martha. And others. I think Oprah and Martha should combine forces… The masses would kneel before them. I’d totally be first in line – me and Gail. Oh, and Stedman.